Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Scene

Orlando Scene’s dedication


Downtown Orlando has long been a scene for art, and music. This beautiful city is full of life with tons of attractions, theme parks, and thriving music scene. Orlando is a hot stop for local and national acts to showcase their talents. This blog is dedicated to the talent that presents itself in the metropolitan Orlando area. It is our intention at Orlandoscene.blogspot.com to bring you the hottest new trends and acts in the city. We have a dedicated team of professionals who spend every waking moment interacting with the entertainment industry. We will be bringing you news and photos of local events all over the metro Orlando area. From the local music scene, to events being held on any of the major campuses to, what the multi media, film, and entertainment students are up to at Full Sail University and UCF.


Our organization will dedicate time to communicate and network to the people of Orlando to help involve everyone’s talents and imagination to work for a better local scene.

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